Monday, February 15, 2010

the new HIGH 5 Program is waiting on Peyton Manning Grant!!! Hopefully:)

Hey guys!
Lots is going on at the camp but i want to fill you in on the new HIGH 5 Program! This program is focused on Section 8 housing teens. Our goal is to get 100 full scholarships for teens in section 8 housing! We have sent in a grant proposal to Peyton Manning and his PeyBack Foundation in Indiana asking for 70 Scholarships! If we are granted the scholarships we will be able to give full scholarships to 5 students in each government section 8 apartment housing in the Tennessee Tri-Cities area. That will be an awesome gift to the amazing campers that will come from those areas! Please pray with us for an acceptance of our proposal and full support from the PeyBack Foundation!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Merry Christmas-Blessing Reflections

As the Christmas season is upon us there has been such a sense of thankfulness here at the camp. Thankfulness to donors who have given so effortlessly and with great joy, to people who have given their time to make things happen in the past year such as the bunkhouse where on one day we had 27 volunteers out to put the bunk beds together from home depot, citi volunteers, john price and his crew from Ga and others like mike couper, dave tull, alan odum and doug leonard. Each of these men and women have sacrificed and given so much of their time and skill to complete the bunkhouse.
Then this summer our counselors literally 'came out of the wood work' in a way. Only 3 of our counselors had ever even volunteered with Pathfinders before. These great men and women spent their summer pouring their hearts out to change the lives of the campers that came through either in our normal camps or in a retreat. Thank you to each and everyone of you.
Then there are our givers that were in our last blog like J Arthor Law in Jonesborough or DBL Homes and Bracken Paving. These are only a few of our platinum givers but that doesn't even begin to cover the numerous individuals that gave so students could come to camp!
Numerous people who came to volunteer to help with the kitchen and other areas like the worship services, and stayed till the job was done so the campers had a great and meaningful time at camp.
As we see the close of this year and remember the lives that were poured out in service to our Lord Jesus Christ and then look at the lives that were changed and directed towards Him we are overwhelmed with thankfulness to God for allowing us to be used by Him in such a cool way.
Looking forward to next year, we are eager to see the crazy amazing changes happen here at the camp like last year!

And Christmas in our culture has to do with a lot of presents so here are some of the ones we received this year that stick out in our brain!
-John Price and his GA crew surprised us with a flatbed full of lumber that made up 80% of the lumber we needed to construct the bunk beds. The big red bow flew off on the way here but our faces still shined like a beam when we saw the amazing load of lumber.
-When two different camps donated all the mattresses, and then some, that we needed for the bunkhouse.
-When Summit Leadership called and told us to come pick-up an amazing chandelier someone had donated because they knew it should go in our barn/meeting hall.


Monday, December 7, 2009

Special Thanks to our Platinum Scholarship Sponsors

-Bracken Paving
Kingsport, TN

-DBL Homes
Kingsport, TN

-Jason H. Arthur Law
Jonesborough, TN

-Wingfield Environmental
Blountville, TN

-Central Baptist Church
Johnson City, TN

You Can Change a Life, Be a Hero!

Pathfinders goal is to equip and empower this generation to discover and fulfill their God given destiny. In 2009 we have been able to reach 1,360 lives through Pathfinders. In 2010 our goal is to reach over 3,000. To do that we need your help!
To make life-changing camp experiences available to every student who wants to participate, Pathfinders only charge students approximately 70% of actual cost and raises funds to cover the additional 30%.
We also provide scholarships to students who are unable to attend because of finances.
If you were a camper as a kid you know how much impact camp can have on your life.
For many of these students you can be the change. How can you do this…
-Give a monthly, quarterly, or yearly donation.
-Sponsor students to come to camp.
-Pray for the camp and staff.
-Turn this ministry into your ministry by volunteering your time and skills.
-Be a part of a lasting legacy by paying toward the land debt and investing in a camp that will be serving students in your region for decades to come.
Donate online at

Staff Letter

Brad Wight—
Life Guard/Staff

Some of the most rewarding things about working at Pathfinders as either a counselor or a staff person are getting to build a family with the other counselors over the summer and getting to build relationships with the kids.
Watching these kids change over the course of even just one week is so amazing! It's hard to explain the feeling, but to see a life changed can be life changing in it's own rite. I plan on staying involved in Pathfinders for as long as I can.

(visit and see how you can be a part)

Sponsored Student Letter

Dear Sponsor,

I just wanted to thank you so very much for paying my way to the Pathfinders Camp. I had so much fun doing all the activities. I learned so much, not only how to work in team groups but so much about God. Before I came I thought I knew plenty about being a Christian but really I knew hardly anything at all. My favorite part of the camp was team building, church and the bonfires at night. We had so much fun and I made so many new friends… so thank you so very much

-A Camper-

(Over half of this past summers students were sponsored by people just like you. You can be a part of a students life that you have never met just like this one.)

Counselor Corner

Interested in being full time summer staff???
-living in a tent or barn
-eating at crazy hours
-getting up early to pray
-spur of the moment trips
-experiencing life-change
-making life long friends
-profound God experiences
-develop leadership skills
-working long hard hours
-sleep depravation
-pushing yourself to the edge
-knowing you allowed God to use you to make a difference!
Internships avilable also!